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What Shoes Help Plantar Fasciits?

Plantar Fasciitis is one of the most common running injuries1 and many runners use shoes that worsen symptoms. There are several misconceptions about plantar fasciitis. Examples of false beliefs among runners include preferences for extremely cushioned shoes, high arch supports2 and forefoot running styles. New research points towards correlating anatomical and biomechanical makeup with specific footwear components. Here's what to consider when recommending running shoes for runners with plantar fasciitis. Justin is an outpatient PT who started his own running gait analysis clinic. He has faculty appointments at University of the Pacific and frequently teaches at UC San Francisco's PT school. Justin is passionate about combining teaching and gait analysis to help other PTs start their own running gait analysis clinics. To learn more, visit Grab the free 24 Hour Gait Analysis Clinic: Facebook -- Instagram: The Fiscal Therapy For The Physical Therapist Podcast -- Online Gait Analysis CE Course: The Essentials Of Running Gait Analysis What Shoes Help Plantar Fasciitis? Running, Running Gait Analysis, Gait Analysis, Online Gait Analysis Course, Justin Jellin, Physical Therapy, Continuing Education, Start you own gait analysis clinic, gait analysis clinic, Running gait, analysis clinic, running shoes, Running injuries, Running pain, entrepreneur, cash based physical therapy, Sports science, Running medicine, CEUs, Physical Therapy More Income, Physical Therapy Growth, Running form, Running technique, Running injury, Running Biomechanics, running insoles bad, insoles and running shoes prevent injury, Plantar Faciitis