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3 Patient Loyalty Programs For Runners

 You know that motivated patient that does everything you ask of them? Often, it’s the athlete that is yearning to return to their chosen sport or activity. I have personally noticed many of my runners are highly self motivated to return to their sport, complete their marathon or to get back to running for their physical health. These patients will often attend all prescribed appointments, complete their HEPs and not only achieve their PT goals but generally make life easier on me as a PT. So don’t these patients deserve a reward? I say unequivocally, YES! In this week's episode we will be discussing Patient Loyalty programs and they can help improve patient retention. 


Justin is an outpatient PT who started his own running gait analysis clinic. He has faculty appointments at University of the Pacific and frequently teaches at UC San Francisco's PT school. Justin is passionate about combining teaching and gait analysis to help other PTs start their own running gait analysis clinics.

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Online Gait Analysis Course: The Essentials Of Running Gait Analysis

3 Patient Loyalty Programs For Runners

Running, Running Gait Analysis, Gait Analysis, Online Gait Analysis Course, Justin Jellin, Physical Therapy, Continuing Education, Start you own gait analysis clinic, gait analysis clinic, Running gait, analysis clinic, running shoes, Running injuries, Running pain, entrepreneur, cash based physical therapy, Sports science, Running medicine, CEUs, Physical Therapy More Income, Physical Therapy Growth, Running form, Running technique, Running injury, Running Biomechanics